Joining Troop 264
For Boys and their Parents
Dues and Fees
Membership Agreement
Code of Conduct
For Boys and their Parents
We are pleased that you are considering joining Boy Scout Troop 264.
It is our hope that you will find your Scouting experience with our Troop
a rewarding and most of all fun experience in which to continue or begin
your Scouting experience.
We have an active camping program, attempting to camp one weekend out
of each month and to schedule as many varied camping locations and experiences
as possible throughout the year. There will be backpacking campouts and
full gear campouts. We try to have at least one and sometimes two family
campouts during the year, when your whole family is invited and encouraged
to join us for a weekend out of doors.
We are working toward our goal of Troop meetings planned by and for
the Scouts, not adult leaders. This is your Troop and your responsibility
to run it as you feel will allow all of you to meet and exceed the scouting
ideals. A Patrol Leader's Council made up of Scouts takes the lead in planning
and executing our Troop program.
It is our hope that your parents will join our troop! We have a variety
of areas in which we need and would appreciate their participation. We
have a Troop Committee made up of parents and other adults that meets monthly
to discuss and finalize plans for scouting events, campouts, facilitate
transportation and fundraising necessary to help our troop go and support
the plans made by the Patrol Leader's Council. All parents are invited
to join the Troop Committee. We encourage parents to consider a leadership
role in which they can best use their talents and skills (i.e., Scoutmaster,
Assistant Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising,
Advancement, Activities Chairs, Transportation, Merit Badge Counselors...).
We have found that in most cases the Scouts who have parents who take an
active role in the Troop's leadership are the Scouts who make a strong
commitment to and get the most of of their Scouting experience.
Troop Dues and Fees
B,S.A. Registration: $ 7.00
Boy's Life Subscription: 7.80
Troop Dues: 20.20
Total fees for Year $35.00
If a Scout is transferring from another Boy Scout Unit, a $1.00 transfer
fee will suffice until our unit recharters.
Please note all scouts who pay these fees the first year and retain
an up to date and current status with regularly paid
Troop Membership Agreement (1997-1998)
To join or re-enroll in Troop 264, a Scout's Parent(s) or Guardian(s)
agree to the following:
- I will uniform my son and ecourage the wearing of a proper uniform
at all meetings and scouting events.
- I will encourage my son to participate in all troop events, to stay
current on all dues and fees, and to pay his own way.
- I understand that my son should attend at least two Troop meetings
during the month of a campout in order to attend.
- I will make an effort to attend and participate in Troop Committe meetings
and other Troop events.
- I will support the Troop camping program and participate in outings
and activities whenever possible.
- I will complete a "Resource Survey Form" yearly and volunteer
my expertise to the Troop.
- I will keep all necessary Scout medical exam forms, health certificates
and camping releases up-to-date.
- I will attend parent conferences when requested by the Scoutmaster,
Committee Chairman, or Assistants.
- I will support the Troop leadership and direct any concerns about leadership
to the Troop Committee.
- I endorse and will encourage my son to follow the Troop #264 Code of
Conduct listed below.
The Troop Membership Agreement was developed by consensus of the
Troop Committee
Troop Code of Conduct (1997-1998)
To join or re-enroll in Troop #264, a Scout agrees to the following:
- I will know and do my best to abide by the Scout Law, the Scout Oath
and the Outdoor Code.
- I will do my best to be on time and in the proper uniform for all meetings
and scheduled Scouting events.
- I will show respect to Troop Leaders, other Scouts, other People, Nature
and Property.
- I will not haze, horseplay or injure another person or abuse things
that belong to another person.
- I will participate in the activities of my patrol and troop to the
best of my abilities.
- I will not use profanity, drugs, alcohol or tobacco while at any Scouting
- I will not take dangerous or unauthorized items (fireworks, firearms,
bows/arrows, sling shots, video games or toys) to Scouting functions.
- I will attempt, by word and deed, to bring honor upon myself, my patrol
and my troop.
- I will strive to advance in rank and aspire to earn the title of Eagle
- I will abide by the following Scout Court principles:
- Any violation of Health and Safety guidelines must be immediately taken
to the Scoutmaster or the adult leader in charge. The result may be removal
from the Scout Function and notification of Parent(s) or Guardian(s).
- Duty Roster violations will result in double duty (the offending Scout
will do the next duty plus the duty of the Scout who did the missed duty).
- If there is disagreement between Scouts or between a Scout and a Leader,
the following procedure will be followed:
- A person with a grievance (Plaintiff) will immediately approach the
Patrol Leader and state the grievance. The Patrol Leader and the Plaintiff
will discuss the grievance with the offending Scout (Defendant). If settled
in favor of the Plaintiff, the Defendant should apologize to all involved.
- If not settled, those above will immediately bring the case to the
Senior Patrol Leader for further consideration. If the case is again decided
in favor of the Plaintiff, the Defendant should apologize to all involved
and to the patrol(s).
- If no settlement is reached, all involved will immediately bring the
case to the Scoutmaster or Adult Leader in charge for further consideration.
If the case is again decided in favor of the Plaintiff, the Defendant should
apologize to all concerned and to the Troop.
- If the case is still not settled, the Defendant will be removed from
the Scout Function and his Parent(s) or Guardian(s) will be notified. Following
this action, a formal hearing will be held at the erliest possible time.
The formal hearing will include the Plaintiff, the Defendant and his Parent(s)
or Guarian(s), the Patrol Leaders' Council and the Scoutmaster. If the
case is again decided in favor of the Plaintiff, the Defendant may ot return
to active status in the Troop until he makes an apology to all involved
and to the Troop. If the Defendant makes the apology, he will be placed
on a Contract, the terms of which will be drawn by the Patrol Leaders'
Council and the Scoutmaster. Following completion of the Contract, all
references to the matter will be removed from the Defendant's Scout File.
The Troop Code of Conduct was developed by consensus of the Patrol
Leader's Council.
Last updated: August 27, 1997